[Extended List!] 17 Ways to Make Your New Years Resolutions Stick
Every new year we make resolutions. Although making the list of resolutions may be easy, implementing them can be difficult. So, we’ve created a list of 17 ways to help make your New Year’s resolutions stick.
Write them down. You may have a pretty clear idea of what you would like to accomplish this year, but actually writing it down will help solidify your resolution. In your journal, write down the resolutions you have and look back at them from time to time to remind yourself what you’re working toward.
- Ease into them. Rather than telling yourself that you can no longer have sweets, determine that you will only have sweets on one day of the week. It will be much easier to ease into cutting back on your sugar intake if you give yourself some leeway.
- One at a time. Sometimes we can get carried away with our resolutions. Sure, there are many things we can improve on, but if we focus on too many at once, it will be very difficult to make our resolutions stick. So, decide on a couple resolutions, and then as you get into the habit of following through with them, throw a few more into the mix.
- Positivity. When we are in a good mood we are more likely to follow through with our resolutions. Surround yourself with positive people that will cheer you on. Also, watch positive movies and read books with happy endings. You’ll find that the positivity in your life will help motivate you to stick with your resolutions.
- Lift your spirits. It’s easy to feel discouraged if we only remind ourselves of the things we don’t do very well. So, remember your strengths. Remind yourself of the things you accomplish every day to help motivate you into following through with your resolutions.
- Do good. Make it a goal to be kind to the people around you. By being kind to others you’re more likely to be kind to yourself. Also, by being kind to others they will be kind to you. If your spirits are high, working on your resolutions won’t be as difficult.
- Reminders. Place reminders of what your resolutions are in places you’ll see every day. If you’re hoping to save enough money for a vacation to Hawaii, put a picture of Hawaii in your wallet so every time you open it you’ll remember to be cautious about spending money.
- Track your progress. Write down the progress you are making in your journal. You will feel more motivated to continue with your resolutions and you will be able to look back and see how well you are doing.
- Share with your loved ones. Tell your friends what your resolutions are. That way, when you see them, you can tell them how you are doing with your resolutions. With their support, you are more likely to be successful with your resolutions.
- Get rid of temptation. If one of your resolutions is to stop drinking soda, then get rid of all the soda in your house. You can’t get rid of all the soda in the world, but in the environments you can control make it easier on yourself.
- Replace bad with good. It’s always a good idea to replace your bad habits with good ones. The likelihood that you’ll follow through with your resolutions will be much higher. So in place of having soda, drink water.
- Keep track of time. It takes 30 days to create a new habit. So, within the first 30 days of working on your resolution, do your best to stick with it. After that, you’ll find it easier to follow with your resolution.
- Always remember why. From the very beginning, you should know why you are working on the specific resolution you made. That way, when you’re having a tough time following through, you can remember why you wanted to do it in the first place. That may be the motivation you need to keep up the good work.
- Think yes you can. Don’t leave any room for doubt. Make your resolution and think in your mind that you are going to do it. Remember mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.
- Reward yourself. We are motivated by rewards. If you find you are doing a great job keeping up with your resolution, reward yourself. It will motivate you to keep going.
- Be consistent. Some days will be tough. But remember, you can do it! Consistency is key when you’re trying to create new habits, or follow through your resolutions. So, just remember to do it even when the going gets tough.
- It’s a process. As you work on your resolutions, you’ll learn a lot about yourself. You’ll learn what you’re capable of. Remember that any step working toward your resolution is a step forward.
Happy New Year! We wish you the best of luck as you work toward your New Year’s resolutions.