5 Habits of Highly Successful People in Crushing Their Goals
Like it or not, we’re all creatures of habit: we wake up and arise at (approximately) the same time, get dressed on autopilot, eat lunch at a specific time, run errands in the same way we did the day before, and then go home.
The day after, we wake up and repeat the process. However, no matter how scary living a routine sounds, the truth is – routine gives us a sense of accomplishment, stability, and normalcy. What is more, a healthy routine could easily be one of the critical elements of why successful people manage to do more in a day than an average person does.
If you are looking to upgrade your success game, read the following five habits of successful people and try to adopt them in a way that works to your advantage.
Five Habits to Success
#1 Keeping a Journal
Keeping a record of your plans, ideas, commitments, successes, and failures is essential if you want to see progress. Journaling not only helps with organizing your workload but it also helps keep track and reflect on things in your life besides work, stuff like progress at the gym, a food diary that enables you to stay on track, clearing your mental landscape, tracking changes in your emotional life, etc. It also helps you reflect on things you’d done and change them for the better. The more you write in it, the more true success will come.
#2 Don’t Trust the Negativity
The human brain is wired in a way that it defies change. It is its natural way of “protecting” us against things that might hurt us through change and push us out of our comfort zones. Staying in the same (negative) place leads to living an unhappy, negative life. Just like successful people used to face the negative voices in their head telling them they can’t do something, so will you. The difference between those who succeeded and those who didn’t is that the successful people didn’t listen to their own projected negativity. Instead, they fought against it and pushed through.

#3 Being Proactive
Successful people don’t wait for success to come to them; instead, they grab it. They are proactive and are determined to create their own success. Passivity will never end in spectacular results so, the sooner you start changing things in your bad routines, the quicker you’ll get accustomed to things aligning the way you want them. Making things happen instead of waiting for them to happen, that’s what matters.
#4 Time Management
Outstanding time management habits are yet another trait of people you admire. While they may have adopted these time management skills growing up, they could have easily trained themselves for them over time. Meaning, you can do the same. Successful people don’t easily get distracted and always give their best not to waste time. They know how to prioritize and work with the time they’ve got. You can do this too – it’s all a matter of discipline.
#5 Staying Focused
Successful people know what they want, and they go after it regardless of the circumstances. No, that doesn’t mean they are relentless or disrespectful of others; it only says they are focused on what they want to get, and they give 100% to get it. Unlike “normal” people who set goals and plans and then wiggle around them in the days to come, successful people make a plan of action and don’t stray from it. If you’ve got a goal but have no willpower, remember that it takes 21 days to form a habit. Once you do, focus will be on everything you know.
Being successful is not a hereditary trait, a trick or one’s lucky star; it’s a matter of self-discipline and seeing your goals through. Mold yourself to succeed. Start today.