Lindsey Wigfield

Posts: 88

Writing Bedside: Sleep-Inducing Ideas to Journal about Before Hitting the Sack

Want a better night’s sleep? Forget the sleeping pills. Turn to your journal instead. According to research, journaling can be the perfect pre-bedtime ritual to lull you into dreamland and help you sleep better and longer. Of course, what you write about affects your state of relaxation when you turn…

3 Ways to Harness the Healing Power of Writing in a Journal

Many people underestimate the power of personal writing. You may have already experienced the healing power of keeping a journal, but you might not know there are a few different writing techniques that could help you mend a broken heart, recover from physical injuries faster, or provide peace after a traumatic situation….

The Importance of Gratitude and How to Work it Into Your Life

We experience life through our emotions. We are meant to cherish our existence by feeling love, joy, peace, and enlightenment. For thousands of years, humanity has realized that gratitude is the key to fulfillment. All religions predominantly use prayer as a regular practice to communicate with the divine source of…

The Advantages of a Digital Journal in a Digital Age

All the things we live can be relived through our memories. However, memories slowly fade as time passes. We often forget the context in which all the vivid moments, conversations, feelings, and experiences happened. Writing our experiences down as they happen allows you to look back, remember precious moments from…

Why First-Time Moms Should Keep a Pregnancy Journal

Are you pregnant or planning to be? Consider keeping a pregnancy journal. It’s is a place to collect the baby’s development and your own body change, as well as your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. In your JRNL, you can also import photos of your monthly progress. Here are a few…

10 Easter Games for Family Fun and Memory-Making

Are you having a group over for Easter this year? Keeping everyone entertained can be a challenge. Playing games is a great way for everyone to enjoy time together and get active. You can choose a traditional activity or try something entirely new! They don’t have to be elaborate or…

5 Reasons You Should Write Down Your Favorite Memories

Memories fade out, and as time passes by we forget more and more. Eventually, we can remember certain moments only when somebody else mentions it or brings it up. And they are a funny thing because the unpleasant memories seem to stick with us longer than the good ones. You’re…

Five Lucky Journal Ideas to Get Creativity Flowing in March

Using a journal prompt is one good way to boost your creativity when you’re feeling stuck or when you just want to add some new ideas to your writing. These can be especially useful if you’re looking for ways to be a bit more introspective as you journal, or if…

Are There Major Differences Between a Diary and a Journal?

Many individuals don’t understand that there are numerous differences between a diary and a journal. What are these differences, and why does it even matter? Understanding the distinctions between the two mediums will make it easier to keep track of your thoughts, express your emotions, and document your days.

How to Start and Maintain the Habit of Journaling

Are you trying to start the habit of keeping a journal? Journaling is one of those things that a lot of people feel as though they “should” do, or may have even been told to do by a mental health professional or a doctor, but many individuals struggle to find…