The Benefits of Keeping a Journal at Work

Have you ever thought about writing about your work and your career in a dedicated journal? Keeping a journal isn’t just for recording daily activities anymore. A work journal allows you to vent freely, reflect on lessons learned, and keep a record of good advice and compliments received. It’ll be fun to look back on one day and remember how much progress you’ve made!

Victims of the times that glorify being busy at the cost of being happy, we are always under the impression that we could’ve done better, could’ve done more, could’ve done it sooner. Stressed, overworked, and overbooked and yet, so thirsty for the living and loving, we keep on spinning in circles that don’t seem to have a way out. Minor things throw us out of balance; big things get us anxious. Are we collectively losing the battle against life and self? We shouldn’t. Whether it’s family, romantic relationships, or work, we should allow ourselves to keep the ground beneath our feet stable, thriving, and balanced.

Although it might seem impossible at times, there are plenty of ways to keep yourself aligned: therapy, sports activities, humanitarian work, art projects, and many other outlets. Our favorite? Keeping a journal, of course. Writing what you think and feel gives you momentary relief and helps you reflect.

On that note, we’re laying out our four favorite reasons why keeping a journal at work could be the best thing you’ll ever do for yourself.

4 Benefits of Keeping a Work Journal

  1. Vent (in a Safe Space)
    Did you have a condescending, humiliating and hurtful 1-on-1 with your supervisor? Read a customer’s email that made your stomach flip? Had your boss lashed out for no valid reason? Got turned down for a promotion? Instead of keeping all that stress locked up inside, or running to your colleagues for advice, write it in your journal. Your notebook is the safest place to write what you think, feel, and want, and it’s incredibly therapeutic! When things get hard, you don’t want to have someone, at some point, take what you said when you were hurt, and use it against you. Journals keep your secrets, thoughts, and emotions safe.
  2. Learn Your Lessons
    If you can’t learn from your experiences, what good are they for, anyway? Whether you’ve embarrassed yourself in a presentation or entirely nailed a client, take note of your performance and turn it into a lesson. Write down what you’ve been through, and list both tremendous and the negative things about the experience. When you go back to analyze what happened, you’ll be motivated to do better next time or repeat the fruitful pattern.
  3. List Good Advice from Mentors
    Not many of us blessed to get great mentors assigned, but those of you who are should appreciate it. Whenever you get a great insight or guidance from a mentor, peer, supervisor or even someone outside of work you find inspirational, write it down. No matter how powerful their words strike you when uttered, you’ll probably forget them after a while. But, when you write them down – they’ll serve as great inspiration in the long run, and you may even pass it on to your mentee one day.
  4. Empower Yourself
    Affirmative thoughts are half of your mental health, and when you get compliments at your workplace, write them in your journal. The benefit of writing praises down is twofold: a) they are a quick and easy morale boost on bad days; b) they help you quickly remember some great things people have said about you. No, being aware of your value isn’t self-absorbed. It’s sturdy and beautiful, as long as it’s not egotistical.

We keep saying “but it’s just work” like it’s nothing when the truth is that we spend more time at the office than we do with those we love. Keeping your work dynamics in check – both its practical and “emotional” side by writing things down will save your soul and mind in the long run.

Do you keep a work journal? It’s easy to have multiple journals with JRNL! Tell us about your experience below. ⬇️

Lindsey Wigfield

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