25 Questions to Inspire Journaling Over the Holidays

This month’s blog post comes to us from guest writer Ashley Conway. Thank you, Ashley!

The holidays are now upon us. This truly is the most wonderful time of the year, but it’s also typically the busiest. The stuffed turkey turns into a stuffed stocking, and the year is over in a blink.

Journaling is one way we can slow down the days by taking a few minutes to reflect on the day and season before us. If you want to truly enjoy and be present for Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, or Christmas this year, then these 25 journal prompts will get you started.

  1. What three things are you most grateful for this year?
  2. Does being grateful come naturally to you? What could you do to improve?
  3. How could you teach your kids to be more grateful?
  4. How can you cultivate gratitude all year long?
  5. What is your favorite holiday food?
  6. What is your favorite memory of the holiday?
  7. What memories would you like to make this holiday season?
  8. If you could volunteer or serve any person or organization this season, who would it be? What is keeping you from doing it?
  9. What is the most memorable gift you ever received?
  10. Is there a loved one you aren’t able to be with during the holiday season? What can you do to still connect with them?
  11. What is your favorite holiday movie and why?
  12. What are some traditions you grew up with around the holidays?
  13. What is one thing you want to make time to do this month?
  14. What do you like best about this holiday?
  15. How is your biggest struggle during the holidays, and how will you prepare for it this year?
  16. What is at the top of your shopping list?
  17. If you could pick anywhere on earth, where would you celebrate the holidays?
  18. What are your favorite holiday traditions?
  19. Would you rather receive physical gifts or experiences?
  20. What would you like to give yourself this holiday season?
  21. What is one thing you can do to reduce holiday stress?
  22. What is the best gift you ever gave someone?
  23. What are your three best memories from this year?
  24. What is the most important thing you learned this year?
  25. What are you most looking forward to next year?

During this busy season, keep in mind that your journal entries can be two sentences or 12 paragraphs. Don’t view journaling as something else to add to your to-do list but as a way to pause and be mindful during the holiday season.

Which of these prompts inspired you to journal? Let us know in the comments below.

Amy Veloz
"Our most treasured heirlooms are the memories of our family."

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