7 Benefits of Keeping a Journal

Do you write in a journal regularly? Maybe you used to keep a journal but aren’t in the habit of writing anymore, or maybe you’ve meant to start journaling for a while, but can’t find the time. Whatever the reason, if you aren’t keeping a journal, you’re missing out on some impressive benefits. Journaling is an excellent tool for personal development, and it can improve your life in a number of ways. Here are seven ways you’ll benefit from writing in a journal.

  1. You’ll get to know yourself better. What matters most to you in life? What are your core values, beliefs, and desires? For many people, these questions are surprisingly difficult to answer. It’s easy to get so caught up in the demands of everyday life that you don’t really think about your own needs or values. Journaling is a simple way to get back in touch with yourself so you can live with more integrity and purpose.
  2. Journaling goes hand-in-hand with goal setting. When you jot down a few lines about your life every day, you’ll have an easier time picking out patterns in your day-to-day behavior. You’ll probably also start noticing some things you want to change or improve. If you’ve been feeling like you’re just drifting through life lately, keeping a journal can help you regain a sense of direction and momentum.
  3. You’ll solve problems more easily. Have you ever wanted to talk through a problem with somebody, but no one was around to listen? You can always count on a journal being there for you (and it won’t interrupt you, either). True, you’re really just talking to yourself by writing in a journal, but the simple act of organizing your thoughts on paper can help you see your situation more clearly. As a result, you’ll make better decisions and solve problems more efficiently.
  4. You’ll become more aware of your habits. Many people are blind to their own habits – it’s surprisingly easy to just not notice the things you do automatically. Writing in a journal can help you spot the habits you’ve got on autopilot, whether they’re positive or negative. In addition, if you want to break a bad habit, there’s no better place than a journal to track your progress.
  5. A journal helps you capture ideas. Do you ever get a great idea one day, and completely forget what it was the next? Turn your journal into a catch-all for your thoughts and ideas, and you won’t have to worry about this happening anymore. In fact, it’s a good idea to write down all your stray ideas in your journal, even if you think you won’t use them. They might be a valuable source of inspiration later on.
  6. Journaling helps you manage your emotions. Sometimes you’ve just got to vent. A journal is a private, non-judgmental space for you to work through all your emotions in your own time. The act of writing itself can be enough to help you calm down and feel more centered. Don’t just limit yourself to writing about negative emotions, either. Write about your happy days as well – you’ll enjoy looking back on those entries in the future.
  7. You’ll have a record of how far you’ve come. Does it seem like each year goes by faster than the last one did? If you don’t keep a record of your life, the past can seem like a blur, especially as you get older. Writing in a journal is one of the best ways you can slow time down a little and preserve your memories. Whether you journal about your personal goals, your kids’ milestones as they grow up, or just your day-to-day events, you’ll be glad to be able to read your past entries and see how you’ve changed and grown since then.

Anyone can benefit from writing in a journal. Journaling boosts your self-awareness, helps you find direction in your life, and even improves your emotional health. If you’re on the fence about journaling, why not open a free JRNL account and give it a try today? The simple act of writing could give you a fresh outlook on your life.

Lindsey Wigfield

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