Four Different Types of Journals

While there are different types of notebooks in which you can journal in, there are also differences between the types of information that you may choose to keep in a journal.

Some people prefer to keep multiple journals, in fact, as a way to manage all of the bits and pieces of information that are constantly streaming in and out of their lives. Let’s look at a few types of journaling that you may want to consider.


Individuals who struggle with any health issues may find that keeping a health journal is a great way to keep a close eye on their symptoms. Whether you struggle with migraines, digestive problems, ADHD, or depression, keeping a health journal is a great way to list out the symptoms that you’re experiencing, the medications that you’re taking, and any differences that you notice. This way, if there is a sudden change in your symptoms, you may be able to track down the change in your life and figure out what caused it.

Daily Stories

Another type of journal that you may want to consider is to keep a record of the events that happen to you throughout the day. These daily stories pages can help provide fuel for future writing work, blogging, additional storytelling, or even just help you remember the things that happen to you more clearly. It’s easy to get lost in the minutia of our daily lives and forget to focus in on what’s going on, and this type of journal can help you break through this barrier so that you can see your life — up close and personal.


A career journal is an excellent way to keep track of the things that you do at work and to make all of the notes that you use as you go through the day, then store them in one location. This means that instead of having a lot of notes scribbled on little bits of paper that can easily get lost, you can keep them in one bound notebook, where they can be accessed readily. Take the time to transfer phone numbers, calendar appointments, and other information into the information management system of your choice regularly, and you’ve got a simple organizational system that can be used in almost any workplace.


One key component of achieving your goals is taking the time to review them on a regular basis. Doing so allows you to see the progress that you’ve made, see if there’s anything that’s standing in your way, and make sure that you’re on the right track to achieve the goals you’ve set by the deadline that you’re trying to accomplish. Using a journal to help keep track of this information and to write about your feelings as you work towards your goals is a great way to stay on the right track.

No matter which type of journal you settle on, taking the time to consolidate some information and some thoughts into one easy-to-access medium is sure to be an improvement that can help you significantly as you go about your daily life.

Lindsey Wigfield

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