Why First-Time Moms Should Keep a Pregnancy Journal

Are you pregnant or planning to be? Consider keeping a pregnancy journal. It’s is a place to collect the baby’s development and your own body change, as well as your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. In your JRNL, you can also import photos of your monthly progress. Here are a few reasons why you should keep one.

5 Reasons to Keep a Pregnancy Journal

It gives you time to think

pregnancy journal

By taking at least 20 minutes a day to write down your pregnancy journal, you’ll give yourself some time to relax and focus on your baby. It’s the perfect excuse to reflect on your emotions and physical health, and an opportunity to note down all your plans and hopes for the future.

You have something to look back at

Although you may think it’s hard to forget how awful and disgusting it is to throw up that perfect meal you made or how exhausting it is to carry a bump for 40 weeks, it isn’t. Once the baby is born, the new, beautiful and time-consuming blessing we call motherhood will blur all memories of your pregnancy. By running a journal throughout your pregnancy, you will be able to look back on exactly how it felt.

Track questions to ask

During this period, you will have tons of questions to answer. And in this stressful time, you won’t be able to remember all of them. Your pregnancy journal is there for you to jot all of them down and ask an expert or a friend later on. Just remember to write down the answers as well.

Be ready for the future

Another pregnancy will be easier to handle and predict as you’ll be able to get back to your notes. All those thoughts, feelings, emotions and unanswered questions that worried you during your first pregnancy are something that you can now handle with ease. Your first pregnancy journal will help you remember, reflect and give you an answer when you are in the need of one. After all, you alone know how it was for you.

You’ll be able to share it

Finally, you will be able to do that beautiful and extremely helpful thing – pass it on to the next generation. By passing your pregnancy journal to your children, you will be helping them a lot with valuable and personal pieces of advice that no other person can give them. This may be particularly helpful if you have a daughter, as she will be able to see the similarities in your symptoms, emotions, thoughts, and feelings during the time you were pregnant with them.

These are just a few reasons why keeping a pregnancy journal is important for a first-time mom. But remember this – pregnancy is a beautiful period you will be going through and it would be a shame to let precious memories and experiences fade away

Lindsey Wigfield

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