Introducing Journal Prompts Generator! Never Have a Blank Page.

Announcing Journal Prompts dot comWhether you’re typing in an online journal or writing directly in a bound journal, sometimes the hardest part is knowing where to start. You might be groggy first thing in the morning or if it’s too late at night, you might feel overwhelmed after a long day. It’s difficult to hone in on the important details of your life that you want to remember forever. Journal prompts are a good way to get you to focus on the writing itself. Find a prompt, which might be a question or a statement, and start answering it in your journal entry. We recently launched a tool that can help with your blank page dilemma.

Introducing the Journal Prompts Generator

That’s why we came up with the Journal Prompts GeneratorThis new tool helps you jump “write” into your entries. (Like what I did there?) All you have to do is select a category and click the button to generate a prompt.

Current categories include:

  • Seasonal (Autumn, Spring)
  • Family
  • Gratitude
  • LDS
  • New Year
  • Random
  • Self
  • Spiritual

We’ll continue to add topics and prompts, so be sure to bookmark the site and check back often. In the future, we plan on integrating these prompts with your JRNL account. Share the tool with your friends and family so that we can all reap the benefits of daily journal writing. Happy journaling!

We wanna hear from you!

What categories would you like to see added? What are some of your favorite prompts? Leave us a comment!


Lindsey Wigfield


  1. How about “travel”?

  2. Very cool, brilliant idea. Thank you, Thank you! Love Finery @

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