How to Start and Maintain the Habit of Journaling

Are you trying to start the habit of keeping a journal? Journaling is one of those things that a lot of people feel as though they “should” do, or may have even been told to do by a mental health professional or a doctor, but many individuals struggle to find the time to do. Luckily, journaling isn’t as difficult as you think. It’s easy to get started and work keeping a journal into your daily routine. Let’s look at a few ways to start journaling and learn how to make it a habit.

Getting Started

One common barrier to journaling is writers’ block or finding the creative energy to get started. A way to get around this is to simply write anything that comes to mind for a pre-determined number of pages or amount of time. For example, tell yourself that you’ll write about anything at all with no pressure for the first 300 words. Or that the first page you write can be on any topic, or can be scribbled, doodled, or typed. This initial writing will help you to break through the stress you may be feeling about a journal needing to be “perfect” or that you are going to “ruin” anything (like the new journal you’re using.) Check out our post 9 Reasons a Digital Journal is Better Than Pen and Paper if you’re having a hard time deciding. Or, you might be like me and find that you have a use for both a digital journal and a notebook.

Making Sure You Have the Right Supplies

Another essential part of getting started with a journaling habit, and being able to maintain it well, is to ensure that you have the correct supplies from the start. Do you want to go digital or use a traditional pen-and-paper? Digital offers the benefit of being able to do it from a phone, tablet, or computer. Or you could choose a notebook or journal that you like, with paper and a pen that feels nice in your hands. Taking to find the best approach for you will help you look forward to the experience each day.

Maintaining Your New Habit

The best way to gain benefits from journaling is to take the time to do it regularly. Doing so will allow you to enjoy the stress management aspects of journaling, track the events in your life that you’d like to, and chronicle your emotions and feelings as you go through the day. The best way to build a habit is to get started and practice acting out the same things each day, even on days that you may not “feel like it.” Over time, you’ll find that journaling has become as natural to you as brushing your teeth, and you’re doing it regularly without thinking much about it.

Journaling is a way to relax, gather your thoughts, and process the emotions of a stressful day. Having an approach that works for your life will allow you to do this comfortably so that you can relax and focus on the task at hand. Over time, you’ll find that the habit comes to you quickly and that journaling has become an essential part of your day-to-day life.

Lindsey Wigfield

1 Comment

  1. If you love journaling you will journal. So the Paper, Pen, and Place matter. Use Paper (journal) you love, with a Pen you love, in a Place you love and you will more likely build the habit. I love my Pen, so I love to write in my journal. I suggest and recommend my favorite journals and pens at

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