
Date Changing Bug

Hi JRNLers! We have a really frustrating bug in our system and we’re so sorry about it! We are working on a fix for it and hope to have it available very soon. In the meantime, here is a workaround for this issue. If you have any questions, please don’t…

The BookBuilder™

One of the biggest benefits of JRNL is the ability to compile your entries into a book that you can pass on to your legacy so they know your full story…or as much of your story that’s fit to print. Many JRNLers have taken advantage of our BookBuilder, but some…

How to Start and Maintain the Habit of Journaling

Are you trying to start the habit of keeping a journal? Journaling is one of those things that a lot of people feel as though they “should” do, or may have even been told to do by a mental health professional or a doctor, but many individuals struggle to find…