Lindsey Wigfield

Posts: 88

Introducing Journal Prompts Generator! Never Have a Blank Page.

Whether you’re typing in an online journal or writing directly in a bound journal, sometimes the hardest part is knowing where to start. You might be groggy first thing in the morning or if it’s too late at night, you might feel overwhelmed after a long day. It’s difficult to hone…

Why You Should Have a ‘Mindfulness’ Journal

Mindfulness is a technique that has numerous benefits, including emotional and health. You may know that meditation can help with mindfulness but did you know you that journaling can boost your mindfulness practice? This is especially true if you are new to mindfulness. Here are a few things to consider…

Simple Ways to Lower Your Stress Levels

Stress stinks. Most people who have a fast-paced job or a lot of personal responsibilities feel stressed a lot and for some, stress turns into a chronic condition. It’s important to manage stress before it becomes a problem. If left untreated, it can result in high levels of anxiety or…

6 Nighttime Routines that Boost Your Productivity

When people think of boosting their productivity, they usually only involve their daytime hours. However, to have a productive day, you need to start by having the right nighttime routine. Getting adequate rest is a priority but it’s not the only requirement for a productive tomorrow. Here are six nighttime…

What do you write in a journal? Here are 15 ideas.

Choosing what to write in a journal starts with understanding why you’re writing. It might seem like nothing special or important happened in the past 24 hours that you would want to share with anyone, even the future you. But writing in a journal isn’t only for preserving stories for…

Journaling for Joy: 6 Ways to Get More Gratification from Your Personal Writing

Journals can be great tools for unleashing creativity, freeing the mind, and discovering more about yourself. But to get the most out of yourpersonal writing routine, you need to overcome a few obstacles, like knowing when to write and how to avoid ranting. The good news is, with patience, practice,…

Visit us at RootsTech 2017

Love is in the air this February. Love for family history, that is! RootsTech is February 8-11th, 2017, in Salt Lake City, Utah. We always have a blast at this event and we know you will, too. In addition to the celebrity speakers and extraordinary musical performances, the JRNL team has…

The 28-Day Journal Writing Challenge: Self-Love

You are amazing. You know that, right? Not a single human being on this planet is the exact same as you. This journaling challenge is all about self-love. There are 28 journal prompts below; that’s one prompt for each day of the month. Let’s find out what makes you truly amazing.

Become More Creative: Five Ways to Inspire Yourself With New Ideas

One of the most difficult parts of life is trying to summon up creativity when your mind is seemingly out of fresh ideas. Whether you are trying to come up with a great new business idea or a new piece of music or artwork, nothing is as infuriating as not…

How to Spell Check Your Journal Entries

We often receive requests to add a spell check to JRNL. The good news is, you already have the capability to spell check your entries! There are a few ways to make sure your writing is error-free. (Keep in mind, we don’t think you should worry too much about spelling….